The CapitolRiver Council advocates on behalf of District 17 residents, workers and property owners by identifying issues, engaging in conversations among people with different interests and perspectives, and making recommendations based on consensus.
We define an issue as a question or problem that the Saint Paul City Council (and / or Mayor, staff, appointed officials, etc.) could do something about, AND that CRC could engage stakeholders in discussions about that would lead to one or more recommendations being made.
CRC committees and WorkGroups engage in discussions about issues at regular meetings.
How Do CRC WorkGroups Work?
1. Project Ideas for WorkGroups
CapitolRiver Council Stakeholders can submit ideas and concerns about the community using our Project Idea Form. These ideas are vetted by staff and added to the list of ideas on the Our Work Page. When there is room on the CRC schedule for a new WorkGroup, the CRC Board decides which project to become the focus of a new WorkGroup. The factors considered include timing, interest of leadership and participation, and any subsequent progress being made by the person who submitted the idea.
2. A Monthly Meeting Time is Set
The first meeting of a WorkGroup must be before the following Board Meeting. Strike while the iron is hot!
3. Invite Stakeholders
Using Email and Social Media, as well as any additional specific stakeholder group that would be most relevant to the idea. Anyone who expresses interest should be added to the WorkGroup Contact List for all future notifications.
4. First Meeting - Define the Scope and Goal of the Project
Time frame should be established, somewhere between a few weeks and a year depending on the scope and motivation of the group. The WorkGroup Mission Form should be used as a guide, and filled out to provide WorkGroup information to the CRC Website. [FORM NEEDS TO BE CREATED]
5. Research/Engage
At subsequent meetings (and ideally between), members should follow established steps to meet the WorkGroup's goal; looking into the idea, inviting relevant guests from organizations or city departments to meetings, surveying or engaging stakeholders as necessary. All contacts who provided information should be recorded in the WorkGroup log, as well as survey methods and results.
6. Analyze Findings and Draw Conclusions
7. Propose Recommendations for the CRC Board/City
The goal of most WorkGroups will likely be some kind of Resolution suggesting a course of action. An alternative example could be a planned event taking place.
8. Draft Project Summary
A succinct documentation of the efforts undertaken, including contact info from sources and WorkGroup Members. Community (non-board) members who participate in WorkGroups will be added to the CRC general contact list and notified of future WorkGroup opportunities. Success or failure, we can learn from any experience but only if we pass along the knowledge.
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