Working partnerships with local organizations
The CapitolRiver Council (CRC) works with local government elected officials and staff to encourage residents and other stakeholders to provide input on decisions that will affect them. Local government entities that work in partnership with CRC include the City of Saint Paul, Metro Transit, and Ramsey County.
Many local organizations engage the public and help identify issues and potential solutions that will continue making District 17 (downtown and the Capitol area) a great place to live, work and visit. Our engagement efforts benefit through current and former members of our board of directors and committees who work for organizations in District 17. Here is a partial list of organizations that have helped make our engagement more effective by being engaged in our work:
- Capitol Area Architecture And Planning Board
- Catholic Charities
- Cedar Printing
- Community Stablization Project
- District Energy
- Downtown Alliance
- Ecolab
- Fairview / Saint Joseph's Hospital
- First Baptist Church
- Friends of Mears Park
- Friends Of Pedro Park Expansion
- Friends of Wacouta Commons Park
- Health Parteners / Region's Hospital
- The M ( Minnesota Museum Of American Art )
- Minnesota Children's Museum
- Minnesota Wild
- Rice Park Association
- Saint Paul Area Chamber
- Saint Paul Arts Collective
- Saint Paul Building Owners And Managers Association ( BOMA )
- Saint Paul Central Library
- Saint Paul Saints
- Securian Financial
- Visit Saint Paul
CRC has received donations from many generous individuals. In 2018-2019, CRC has received grants from the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation and from The Saint Paul Foundation. Past support has been provided by the Lowertown Future Fund.
Please consider making a donation of any amount to support our work: Make a donation to CRC (via Mighty Cause)
Fiscal agent agreements
The CapitolRiver Council serves as the fiscal agent for local organizations that perform work that aligns with the CRC mission. We currently have agreements with the Friends of Wacouta Commons Park and Lowertown Landing. If you have questions about fiscal agent agreements, please contact Jon Fure, 651-221-0488, or [email protected]