Saint Paul Skywalkers

Project Idea

A planned community walking program. Various groups would meet at designated places and times, and walk loosely defined routes. It is meant to be a regular, positive community activity that encourages friendly and helpful atmosphere in the streets and skyways. Walkers could be educated and equipped to guide and assist people, but are intentionally not any kind of authority or enforcement entity.

Prepared by

Shevek McKee, 2/27/2020


The streets and skyways of downtown, public spaces

How does this fit the CRC Mission?

This idea builds community and encourages public safety and the perception of public safety.

What are the first steps to take?

Creating a basic organization structure (website/webpage, loose route ideas, contact information gathering). Sourcing funding for t-shirts or similar.


Two months to start up properly. Ongoing open ended to support.

Other organizations that might support this project?

DSI and SPPD have both encouraged this idea, Councilmember Noecker has expressed encouragement as well. Would be keen to work with Ambassador program and building owners as well.

What community engagement do you think would be involved?

Discussion at regularly scheduled CRC meetings, Online Survey/Petition

Estimated project budget


Specific funding source idea?

I believe funding could be found easily if specific planning were in place. Either corporate sponsorship or a variety of grants.

Submit a project idea to the CRC!