Vote on Proposed Changes to CRC Bylaws (Special Meeting)

This meeting has been rescheduled to April 27 at 5:15 p.m. The CRC Board of Directors has voted to recommend a set of proposed changes to the CRC Bylaws to the general membership. The CRC Bylaws require a vote by the general membership, which includes a) anyone who lives and / or works in District 17, including people who own property and / or who rent or lease, and b) who has attended at least one CRC meeting or event since April of 2020. The purpose of this special meeting is to discuss the proposed changes and vote to approve, or to approve with modifications, or to reject. If you are not sure if you are eligible to vote, please contact CRC Executive Director Jon Fure, [email protected], or attend any of the CRC meetings (via Zoom or phone) that are posted on the CRC home page. The meeting will start at 5:15 p.m., and all participants are encouraged to provide feedback or ask questions. The CRC monthly board meeting will follow this special meeting. Please see the summary of the proposed changes, and the full text of the bylaws that incorporates the proposed changes.

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Meeting ID: 874 8027 3918
Passcode: 122532

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April 27, 2021 at 5:15pm - 6:45pm
Zoom videoconference
Jon Fure · · 651-221-0488

Will you come?

Showing 3 reactions

  • Julie Printz
    rsvped 2021-02-18 17:51:01 -0600
  • Jon Fure
    rsvped 2021-02-18 15:20:39 -0600
  • Jon Fure
    published this page in Events 2021-02-18 13:14:44 -0600