Downtown Development Strategy

Project Proposal

Make sure CRC is prepared to properly contribute to the development of the Downtown Development Plan. This involves preparing notes from the 2019 community forums in a presentable way, and being ready to actively participate in whatever workgroup is established to prepare the plan.

Board Sponsor

Shevek McKee, 11/9/2019



How does this fit the CRC Mission?

It is my understanding that the development of such a plan is one of the mandates of the District Council system. It is the embodiment of our mission, really.

What actions have already been taken?

Several community forums lead by Tabitha Benci-DeRango.

What are the next steps to take?

Go through notes from forums. Keep in touch with Saint Paul PED about next steps.

What are the projects short term goals?

Be prepared for Downtown Development Plan workgroup when it is formed.

What are the projects long term goals?

Produce an updated Downtown Development Plan to file with the City.


Expected to take somewhere between one and two years (According to Kady Dadlez of PED at Public Realm meeting on 11/7/19)

Other organizations being asked to support this project?

Saint Paul PED, likely: Downtown Alliance, Chamber of Commerce?, Catholic Charities?, other city departments

What community engagement will be involved?

Discussion at regularly scheduled CRC meetings

Project budget

Money has already been spent on Community Forums. Moderate staff time will likely be required.

Specific funding source plan?

not sure

Additional resources needed?

Forum notes. Familiarization with existing DDP and supporting documents.

Additional Info

DDP and other D17 plans can be found on city's website here:

Downtown Development Strategy

Greater Lowertown Master Plan



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