Code of Conduct


CapitolRiver Council, an official advisory group to the City Council, represents and works in partnership with all District 17 stakeholders to act on urban planning and community building efforts as part of a shared vision to support sustainable, safe, healthy, and vibrant neighborhoods.


All CRC board members and staff agree to follow this Code of Conduct. All attendees of CRC meetings and events agree to adhere to these principles, listed below, by signing in before meetings. CRC board members and staff will address violations of the Code of Conduct in face-to-face meetings to constructively seek resolution to the issue or behavior. If a resolution cannot be achieved, disciplinary action will be considered, which could include terminating membership.

The Code – 4 Principles:

• Responsibility – CRC board members and staff have the responsibility to act in good faith and in the best interests of the organization. Other stakeholders’ responsibilities include making sure that the organization is well managed; but it is not their responsibility to manage the organization.

• Respect – All stakeholders, including CRC staff, board members, and meeting attendees agree to be courteous and respectful.

• Commitment – Board members demonstrate commitment to the organization by participating in decision-making processes, by respecting the actions taken by the board, and by positively acknowledging the organization’s ongoing work.

• Transparency – All stakeholders must distinguish between their personal views and interests, and those of the CRC, and acknowledge when they are speaking on behalf of the CRC and when they are stating their own opinions. CRC board members and staff must disclose potential conflicts of interests when a decision would result in the person or a family member receiving a direct financial benefit.

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  • Aliya Mohamed
    published this page 2021-04-07 05:45:08 -0500